Glass Expanse + Adlantica

Google Ads / Meta Ads

in the first 30 days


Lower Acquisition Cost




More Leads



Lower Acquisition Cost




More Leads


Glass Expanse designs and manufactures premium glass doors for high-end homes. But their advertising was struggling to acquire customers at an affordable cost. Glass Expanse gave Adlantica an aggressive goal of bringing in 50 to 75 customers per week. We’re pleased to report that our new campaigns began delivering 150 customers per week while also reducing their monthly ad spend.


“Working with Adlantica has been an incredible experience! We had clear objectives for them, and they over-delivered at every step. Within the first month they made significant changes that tripled our click-through rate and reduced our acquisition cost by 90%. They have a clear strategy that works consistently and brings unbelievable results. They don’t sell hopes and dreams, they deliver tangible outcomes that have significantly changed the trajectory of our business.”



How We Added Value to GLASS EXPANSE

Effective Ad Creative Testing

Advertising is most effective when platforms can customize the ad experience for each individual. So, we built buyer personas of our ideal customers and designed creatives in multiple formats. We tested short videos, long videos, static images, and GIFs with several messaging angles to find a winner we could scale.

Optimized Audience Targeting

Glass Expanse’s campaigns were struggling due to narrow audience and location targeting. When demographic targeting is too specific and geographic targeting is limited, the algorithm struggles to find customers. To fix this, we tested specific conversion goals with broad audience targeting. We also tested broad conversion goals with specific bidding strategies.

New Customer Activation

We unlocked a growth strategy that focuses on creating demand within audiences who can afford the product but had never considered upgrading their home. We did this through brand activation ads at the top of the funnel, brand consideration ads in the middle, and product differentiation ads at the bottom of the funnel.

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performance results

In a recent call, Glass Expanse informed us that their year-over-year revenue approximately doubled. And the best news is that we did not increase their ad spend to unlock exponential growth. We will continue working hard for our amazing clients to unlock greater and greater results.

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performance results